Points accumulate after completion of Silver star level
NSE Level 1:
- Pass all Gold star PO’s
- Accumulate min 450 pts
NSE Level 2:
- Pass all Master Cadet PO’s
- Accumulate min 750 pts
NSE Level 3:
- Qualified Master Cadet
- Accumulate min 900 pts
NSE Level 4:
- Qualified Master Cadet
- Accumulate min 1000 pts
Assessment Principles
- Cadets are challenged to accumulate as many points as possible in various areas of assessment to reach the four levels of the NSE. The aim is to improve their chances of being selected for summer training, advanced activities and various awards. The higher a cadet scores in the NSE, the better the chances of being selected in priority.
- Cadets can accumulate points starting on 1 July of the year they graduate from Silver Star and continue until they age out.
- Points accumulated during CSTC training are credited for the NSE level that the cadet is pursuing at that particular time.
- Participation points are credited to the NSE Level that the cadet is pursuing at that particular time. A cadet can try to improve on his results until he meets all prerequisites for the NSE Level he is pursuing. Participation points are not transferable to a superior level. For example:
- a cadet may pass Gold Star training and fail to achieve the required 450 points for NSE Level 1. Until he accumulates enough participation points to complement compulsory training, he will not receive the NSE Level 1. He will move on to undertake Master Cadet training where he may continue accumulating NSE 1 participation points. As soon as all criteria are met for NSE Level 1, the cadet can start accumulating participation points towards NSE Level 2; and
- a cadet may accumulate 450 points but have yet to complete all Gold Star compulsory requirements. Until the cadet passess Gold Star training, he will not receive NSE Level 1. The cadet may try to improve the participation scores he accumulates towards NSE Level 1 until he gets his Gold Star, but he can not start accumulating participation points towards NSE Level 2 until he receives NSE Level 1.
- Cadets can use each area of assessment only once in the pursuit of each NSE Level. As he reaches a Level of NSE, a cadet can again use the same areas of assessment to accumulate points towards the next Level. For example, if a cadet receives points for achieving a level of marksmanship during NSE Level 1, marksmanship can be used again when pursuing another level of NSE.
NSE Level Prerequisites
- NSE Level 1: To qualify for NSE Level 1, a cadet must:
- pass all compulsory Gold Star POs;
- accumulate enough participation points to reach an overall score (compulsory training and participation) of at least 450 points.
- NSE Level 2: To qualify for NSE Level 2, a cadet must:
- pass all compulsory Master Cadet POs; and
- accumulate enough participation points to reach an overall score (compulsory training and participation) of at least 750 points.
- NSE Level 3: To qualify for NSE Level 3, a cadet must:
- be qualified as Master Cadet; and
- accumulate enough additional points with their Participation Record to reach a score of at least 900 points.
- NSE Level 4: To qualify for NSE Level 4, a cadet must:
- be qualified as Master Cadet; and
- accumulate enough additional points with their Participation Record to reach a score of at least 1000 points.
- A cadet may receive the Gold Star and Master Cadet qualifications without receiving a NSE Level.
- Points accumulated during each NSE Level are carried forward to the next Level. Therefore, a cadet qualifying NSE Level 1 with 450 points will start his quest for NSE Level 2 with 450 points.
Penalty – Discipline
- It is expected of cadets competing for the NSE that they maintain an irreproachable level of self-discipline.
- A penalty of 100 points will be subtracted from the cadets file for each instance where they are returned to unit for disciplinary reasons, whether at CSTC, during expeditions or if they are suspended from their corps for disciplinary reasons.
Points for Compulsory Training
- The first two levels of the NSE call for cadets to successfully complete their compulsory Gold Star and Master Cadet training requirements.
- Levels of achievement of Gold Star and Master Cadet training POs are defined as either being Baseline or Enhanced Proficiency. The achievement of compulsory training POs will be calculated as follows where applicable:
- Baseline proficiency: 20 points; and
- Enhanced proficiency: 40 points.
- A cadet who achieves baseline proficiency may be reassessed, where resources permit, to achieve enhanced proficiency, as per described in the QSP.
- The results of Gold Star and Master Cadet compulsory training will only count towards the NSE starting on 1 May, even if the results have been registered earlier in the cadets’ files.
Points for Participation
- Compulsory training alone is not sufficient to earn NSE Levels 1 and 2. Cadets may increase their number of points by actively participating in other corps activities as per described hereafter.
- Attendance at compulsory and complementary activities: Points are awarded to recognize cadets that display superior attendance at compulsory training sessions and complementary training.
- Only those compulsory activities that fit within the definition found at CATO 11-04, Cadet Program outline, para 6 to 16, will be considered. The participation of cadets in activities that exceed the requirements defined at CATO 11-04will not be calculated for this area of assessment.
- Attendance will be rewarded as follows:
- 70%-74%: 5 points;
- 75%-79%: 10 points;
- 80%-84%: 15 points;
- 85%-89%: 20 points;
- 90%-95%: 25 points; and
- 96%-100%: 30 points.
- The attendance points will only count towards the NSE starting on 1 May of the training year, even if the results have been entered earlier in the cadets’ files.
- Expeditions: Participation will be assessed as follows:
- Gold Star Expedition or participation in the Expedition Instructor Course: 10 points;
- Regional: 20 points; and
- National and International: 30 points.
- Participation in the Expedition Instructor Course includes an 18-day expedition. Cadets will be credited with the Gold Star Expedition if they participate in the Expedition Instructor Course. This does not exempt cadets from participating in the Gold Star expedition with their corps. To receive an exemption, a waiver to this effect must be submitted IAW the Gold Star QSP.
- Duke of Edinburgh: Highest level of qualification achieved in the pursuit of the NSE level.
- Points are awarded as follows:
- participation: 5 points;
- bronze: 10 points;
- silver: 20 points; and
- gold: 30 points.
- Physical Fitness: Points are awarded for the highest level achieved in the pursuit of the NSE Level, as described at CATO 14-18, Cadet Fitness Assessment and Incentive Program.
- Points allocated as follows:
- bronze: 5 points;
- silver: 10 points;
- gold: 20 points; and
- excellence: 30 points.
- Higher physical fitness results achieved at the CSTC will be credited.
- Community Leadership: In order to qualify for points in this category, cadets must demonstrate that they have volunteered their time in support of activites held in their local communities or within the larger cadet community outside of their corps. Cadets must submit a written request, to their corps CO, to have their activities credited. The submission must include a:
- description of the activity;
- description of their personal involvement (number of hours, role, etc.); and
- email or signed letter of recognition from an authority related to the activity.
- Cadets must not be credited for activities conducted by the corps in support of their own training, such as corps fundraising activities. The intent is to recognize cadets that go beyond their involvement with the corps.
- The following are only a few examples of what could be credited:
- member of the student council;
- volunteers with the elderly;
- teaches music to children;
- runs a school fundraising campaign;
- plays music at church;
- official at the zone, regional or national activities; and
- volunteers as staff with the expedition centre.
- Points for community leadership are awarded as follows:
- activity: 5 points;
- activities: 10 points;
- activities: 20 points; and
- activities: 30 points.
- Marksmanship qualifications: Points are awarded for the highest level of marksmanship achieved in the pursuit of an NSE level.
- Higher marksmanship qualifications achieved at the CSTC will be credited.
- Points are awarded as follows:
- Marksman: 5 points;
- First Class: 10 points;
- Expert: 20 points; and
- Distinguished: 30 points.
- Music qualifications: Points are awarded for the highest level of music proficiency achieved in the pursuit of an NSE Level. Cadets that qualify for levels on several instruments only receive points for one so as not to give musicians an undue advantage in the NSE.
- Higher music levels achieved at CSTC will be credited.
- Points are awarded as follows:
- Basic: 5 points;
- Level 1: 10 points;
- Level 2: 15 points;
- Level 3: 20 points;
- Level 4: 25 points; and
- Level 5: 30 points
- Cadets will not be credited for the music training and qualifications they receive as students in civilian institutions. The standards of assessment between the civilian music authorities and the CCO vary too much.
- Optional Teams: The intent is to recognize the extra efforts put forth by cadets that train for several weeks and months in preparation for demonstrations and/or competitions.
- Points are awarded for participation in local demonstrations and in RDA/NDA competitions, as individual or as member of a team.
- Demonstration Teams: Includes the participation in non-competitive teams training for demonstrations at local and/or regional events during the corps training year. For example:
- drill team for the Annual Ceremonial Review;
- corps band to perform concerts in the local community; and
- regional honour bands.
- Competitive Teams: Recognizes individuals and teams that participate in competitive events organized by the CCO and their capacity to reach superior levels of competition. It is recognized that not all teams can win awards, but reaching a superior level of competition will be rewarded, minimally, with participation points.
- Although a cadet might be involved in several teams and might participate in both a demonstration and a competition team, points will be only awarded for the highest level of participation achieved. This aims to ensure that cadets from corps that do not / cannot offer several competitive teams are not unduly disadvantaged.
- Points are awarded as follows for the highest level of participation achieved:
- Demonstration Team: 5 points;
- Zone competition (RDA): 10 points;
- Regional competition (RDA): 20 points; and
- National competition (NDA): 30 points.
- Podium: RDA and NDA award winners will receive podium points as follows:
- Third place: 10 points;
- Second place: 20 points; and
- First place: 30 points.
- A cadet participating in several types of competitions will only receive marks for the highest podium. For example:
- a cadet ranking 1stin marksmanship at the zone level and 3rdat the regional band competition will get marks for 1st place at the zone level;
- members of a drill team finishing in the top three at the regional competition will get marked accordingly; and
- a biathlete or marksman reaching the podium at the zone, regional and national levels will be awarded points for the highest podium achieved.
- Cadets participating in multi-corps teams (band, drill team, orienteering, etc.) for demonstrations and/or competitions will receive the same number of points for their participation and results as if they were participating as members of a single corps team.
- Cadets that are selected as members of composite teams for regional and national Marksmanship and Biathlon Championships will receive the same number of points for their participation and results as if they were participating as members of a single corps team.
- Colonel Robert Perron Award: Assessment for this Award must be conducted IAW CATO 13-16, National Cadet Honors and Awards,Annex G. All cadets that elect to participate in this assessment will receive a minimum of 5 points for participation.
- Points will be awarded for the highest result achieved, as follows:
- Participation: 5 points;
- Top-3 male and top-3 female for each participating corps: 10 points;
- Top-3 male and top-3 female regional rankings, Army Cadets: 20 points; and
- Top-3 male and top-3 female national rankings, Army Cadets: 30 points.
CATO 11-04, Cadet Program Outline; superseded by (CJCR Gp O) 8002-0, Cadet Program Structure